Early Childhood Stimulation

Welcome to Growing Minds Early Childhood Stimulation (ECS)!

At Growing Minds we’re excited to get to know our students and form positive and supportive relationships with them. We have amazing teachers that are guided by the coordinator. We consider ourselves a family, and we are excited to welcome you and your child(ren) into the Growing Minds family.

Mission Statement of Growing Minds ECS:
‍Growing Minds ECS offers an early encounter with the Catholic faith and caters to the needs of the child in all domains of development; physical, motor, language, cognitive, socio-emotional, and creative and aesthetic appreciation; and ensures correlation with health and nutrition aspects. Early childhood care and education programs emphasize the child’s holistic development and extend beyond assisting the child’s transition to formal schooling.

‍Our goals at Growing Mind ECS:
- To satisfy the child’s basic needs for love, self-worth, belonging, respect, fun, enjoyment and success, by engaging the child’s senses and the Multiple Intelligences, namely: Visual/Spatial, Musical/Rhythmic, and Bodily/Kinesthetic.
- To foster the development of factual knowledge, skills and training, which will enhance this early learning.
- To provide a developmentally appropriate curriculum whereby children will be engaged in hands-on activities which will lead to discovery learning and addresses all domains of learning.
- To provide a safe, rich, stimulating, and child-friendly learning environment that offers opportunities for exploration.
- To provide a well-rounded schedule that meets the needs of all students.
- To reinforce positive behavior with praise and positive reinforcement.
- To build a good relationship between school, family, parish and community.

We look forward to working with you and helping each student at Growing Minds ECS meet his or her goals and have a successful school year!

Warmest Regards,
The Growing Minds ECS.


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