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12 Aug 2024

A message from Executive Director Mrs. L. Aventurin-Hodge

Opening Words 2024-2025

The theme of this school year is “We are called to pray without ceasing”.
As an Educator and Creative Thinker, I have contemplated the theme of prayer and come to the
realization that praying is an art—one that can be developed and strengthened through devotion.
In a world filled with distractions and anxieties, the call to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians
5:17) resonates deeply. This concept, often misunderstood, goes beyond mere words; it is about
maintaining a continuous, conscious connection with the divine. It is about living in a state of
perpetual alignment with our inner Christ Presence, ensuring that our source for all things remains
the spiritual Source of Love and enlightenment that is ever available to us.
While researching and reflecting on the theme I understood that to pray without ceasing means
more than just uttering prayers throughout the day. It involves putting everything in God’s hands. As
the Apostle Paul advises in Philippians 4:6, we should “be anxious about nothing but in everything
by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” This implies
a life where every action, thought, and decision is enveloped in prayer. When we seek Him in all
aspects of our lives, we discover that our existence becomes immeasurably better.
The essence of prayer lies in the acknowledgment of a divine force that orchestrates every activity
at both micro and macro levels of existence. This divine force is beneficent and all-encompassing.
Recognizing this helps us see prayer not just as a ritualistic act but as a fundamental part of our
Prayer should not be seen merely as an act but as a quality. Many people approach prayer with
requests and demands, seeking security and happiness rather than a genuine connection with
God, the Divine. What they truly seek through prayer is well-being, but they are often reluctant to
admit it.
True prayer is about being prayerful in every aspect of life. It is about making our entire being an
offering, a process that connects us deeply with God, the divine inherent in everything and
everywhere. When we become prayerful, we enter a state of being that is incredibly beautiful. This
state is reached by connecting to our inner nature, leading to an experience of profound joy.
When we achieve true joy, we open ourselves to receiving the Divine. In this state, we pray not out of
fear or greed but because the act of prayer itself is the reward, and that is giving thanks no matter
what. So, prayer is about experiencing God in every moment.
When we live in this continuous state of prayerfulness, we find that life becomes a celebration,
filled with love, enlightenment, and profound peace.

L. Aventurin-Hodge